Tuesday, February 26, 2008

LCFIAIDAPlotProcessor crash

A crash will happen running Marlin with the LCFIAIDAPlotProcessor for the LCFIVertex software release v00-02-02. That happens because the variable ptmasscorrection should have been changed to ptcorrectedmass. I corrected that in the HEAD version, but if you don't want to apply any other modifications you can download the LCFIAIDAPlotProcesso.cc here and recompile LCFIVertex.

Convert stdhep into HEPEvt

Here are instructions and codes to convert an .stdhep file into a .HEPEvt. Two files are needed:
The first file is the FORTRAN code used for the conversion. It outputs a file called output.HEPEvt. The second file must contain the name of your input stdhep file. To compile the code you need the stdhep include directory and the libraries libstdhep.a and libFmcfio.a. You can find them as part of the old cernlib versions, like 2002. You then compile with the commands (change the location according to your setup):
g77 -I$CERN/2002/include/stdhep -fno-second-underscore -c std2evt.F
g77 -fno-second-underscore -o std2evt std2evt.o $CERN/2002/lib/libstdhep.a $CERN/2002/lib/libFmcfio.a -lnsl
I also made a script with those commands. After compiling, an executable calles std2evt is created. Modify the file stdhep_file_name with the name of your stdhep file and run:
Some output may be redirect to the screen but don't worry. The converted output file in called output.HEPEvt.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Just for fun.

A friend sent me this link, and us geeks may appreciate it: http://stephenhicks.org/images/UniverseScale.gif

Minutes of meeting on 25th February

Present: Joel, Clare, Ryan, Hajrah, Roberval, Victoria.

Hajrah presented her plots (linked from the blog) showing the difference at the digitisation level between 55 GeV muons and 55 GeV pions. The energy of the muons probably doesn't make any sense. It uses the Muon digitiser from the head version of Marlin. Joel commented that it would be good to look at E_EM+E_HAD. Hajrah has not looked yet at tracking and clustering information, for this it would be best to use PandoraPFA, which is currently not working. Clare said that, after contact with Mark Thompson, she is using the head of PandoraPFA, which seems to work. Roberval will try to install that in Edinburgh, for Hajrah to use.

Clare had been installing the ILC software on a local 64bit Bristol machine. (The Grid is being abandoned!) Roberval has already done this in Edinburgh and Roberval and Clare will communicate as how to do this. Roberval noted that Marlin/Mokka run about 3 times faster on the 64bit machine in Edinburgh. We will encourage Roberval and Clare to co-author an ILC note on this subject.

Monday, February 18, 2008

New analysis timeline

With the funding cuts in the UK and USA (sob) there is a new time line for the physics studies. Instead of August, things are delayed by ~6 months, so I think the idea is to have a studey ready for publication by the end of 2008, beginning of 2009.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

ECal bugs in LDC01_05Sc and LDCPrime_01Sc

Just a note for those not on the ild-detector-optimisation mailing list.

There's some kind of problem with the electronic calorimeter end cap hits in the Mokka models LDC01_05Sc and LDCPrime_01Sc. I can't say I understand it, I think it's something to do with the cells not scaling properly. Anyway, there's a different model being worked on now and it was decided not to bring out an interim fixed model. Paulo sent around instructions for fixing it yourself though:

Dear friends,

I guess that we decided to not touch the LDC01_05Sc and LDCPrime_01Sc models and to not create intermediate models. As the final model risks to take a while ;-) , here you are how to use LDC01_05Sc or LDCPrime_01Sc with the new Ecal (without the known bugs you have with the old one):

1) you have to checkout Mokka tag mokka-06-06-pre01 directly from our CVS HEAD (please follow the instructions here:
2) , just add these two lines in your steering file:

/Mokka/init/EditGeometry/rmSubDetector SEcal02
/Mokka/init/EditGeometry/addSubDetector SEcal03 90


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Minutes of Meeting 11/2/08

Bristol: Clare, Ryan, Helen, Mark, Joel
Edinburgh: Hajrah, Robervaal, Victoria

Mark showed some plots that will form part of his talk in the general physics meeting tomorrow (see previous post). They show the y-cut that is required to ensure that all of the electron EM clusters are grouped together into a single jet. This is shown both for "undecayed" (i.e. no brehmsstrahlung within the tracking volume) and for all electrons. The y-cut value decreases with energy as expected, and is orders of magnitude smaller than values expected for hadron jets.

The final plot shows the distribution of electron track pT (green), total jet energy (orange) and single cluster energy (pink). 

Hajrah has made an impressive start with Mokka/Marlin on muon ID. She is looking at the energy deposits and number of hits as muons traverse the calorimeters and will proceed to investigate the muon chambers.

The next meeting will be in two weeks, and they will remain fortnightly until further notice.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Links to plots for today's meeting. Again no time to explain them here, I'll make another post later.

plot 1

plot 2

plot 3

plot 4

Muon id Presentation/ 11/02/08

My presentation is on this web page.

Minutes of meeting on 28th January

Sorry these are late!

In attendance: Victoria, Roberval, Hajrah, Joel, Clare, Ryan and Mark.

Mark is updating the framework for his analysis to make tagging variables and likelihood cuts (to separate data and background) a la Kuhl-Desch analysis. The likelihood cuts are based on thrust, visible energy and tagging probability.

Clare has generated at ZZ-->l+ l- q qbar events with Pthyia to make stdhep files. She's also been working on the Pandora calibration the LDC_01-05 geometry.

Together Clare and Mark have been generating electron and jet samples for the UG student. UG student has been AWOL, so Helen will help out here.

Clare and Mark agreed that they would read all the LDC emails that are being circulated to check that we are conforming to the official analysis for the LCF CDR.

Roberval has been making a comparison of the results obtained with SimpleCaloDigi and MokkaCaloDigi. MokkaCaloDigi is better, Clare and Roberval witll communicate on this.

Plan for upcoming work:

  • Hajrah is starting to learn about Marlin and Mokka, and will start generating single muon events this week.

  • Mark will re-generate the signal at ECM=250 GeV

Thursday, February 7, 2008

CoM Energy

I just received an email from Ron Settles on the ILD optimisation list that included this:


--The optimum c.m.energy for doing Higgs measurements is
\sqrt{s}=m_Z+m_Higgs+ca.20GeV as has been pointed out many times recently
(and even during Lep days); I think most people have now changed to this
(the Snowmass05 energy was not optimum for m_Higgs=120GeV); it would be
best if all use the optimum energy to make comparisons/combinations


I'm not sure what "ca" means? Does this agree with our CoM energy of 250?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Python Script for Pandora Calibration

I have written a python script to run through the Pandora Calibration:

It will run over all of the calibration constants, produce the root files containing the histograms, fit the histograms and find the calibration constant that gives the mean of the fit closest to the correct value.

I've tried to find a sensible way for the code to decide which calibration constants to try next, and to decide when to finish the calibration, but I wouldn't want to guarantee that it gives the best answers.

The middle part of the code creates a Marlin steering file with the chosen calibration constants, and the appropriate slcio input files, runs this through Marlin to produce the histograms, gets the appropriate histogram, fits it, and prints the mean of the fit.

I think this part is useful in itself, even if you are not convinced by the way I have chosen the calibration constants each time.
You could always write a different loop around this bit, that just iterates through a load of calibration constants, maybe.

Anyway, to run the code, first you need to set up pyroot:


This worked with our pretty standard root installation, but if it doesn't there is more info here

The python code is here
It calls a bash script that makes the Marlin steering file.

To run this script use:

python DoPandoraCalib.py

You will need to change the "slciofile" string to your slcio files on lines 100, 110 etc.
You will also need to change the gear file in MakeSteeringFile.sh.
"debug" can be changed:
if debug = 0, only the best calibration constants that the code finds will be printed out.
if debug = 1, some info about the calib consts that are being tried will also be printed out.
if debug = 2, lots of info will be printed, and the histograms will be drawn.

The starting values, and iteration values (lines 95 and 96 etc) for the calib consts will need to be set to something sensible, i've set them to what i think is sensible for LDC01_05Sc.

The script puts all the root files in a directory called 'CalibRootFiles'.

The calibration constants found by the code for LDC01_05Sc are as follows:
CalibrECAL = 63.4, 126.9
CalibrHCAL = 41.25
ECALMIPcalibration = 147.8
HCALMIPcalibration = 34.2
ECALEMMIPToGeV = 0.00675
ECALHadMIPToGeV = 0.00675
HCALHadMIPToGeV = 0.035

Mark Thompson's default consts are:
CalibrECAL = 62.5 123.0
CalibrHCAL = 31.2
ECALMIPcalibration = 171
HCALMIPcalibration = 37.1
ECALEMMIPToGeV = 0.00593
ECALHadMIPToGeV = 0.00593
HCALHadMIPToGeV = 0.026