Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Minutes of Meeting 30/6/08

Present: Hajrah, Roberval, Victoria, Mark, Joel (Clare is still in a muddy field)
  • Mark's samples for 500 fb-1 of ZH at 250 GeV (mh = 120 GeV, Z->ee) have finished running through simulation and he is checking them. He used LDC01_05sc. The samples will be made accessible on the Grid and a post made to this blog. Z->µµ samples can also be made.
  • Clare has been working on getting a working suite of software on the Bristol 64-bit machine (Roberval has successfully compiled the new version of MARLIN on the Edinburgh machine in 32-bit mode)
  • Roberval has been writing a processor to use the muon ID cuts to tag RPOs
  • Hajrah is looking at electron and muon cut ID efficiency as a function of θ and momentum, but needs bigger samples
  • Victoria only has a few more weeks before her leave commences
  • Mark has been encountering problems reading in large (~10 GByte) LCIO files. No-one knows of any physical limit, but he will split the files up in future.


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