Thursday, January 15, 2009

Meeting Minutes and Plans

Today's Meeting Minutes

Attending: Roberval, Hajrah, Mark, Joel
  • Mark has been working on the final fitter and showed some plots from pseudo experiments. There are clearly still a few issues to be worked out.
  • Roberval and Hajrah have been making good progress on the muon channel. They now use the ROOT package TMVA to perform a multivariate muon selection. They have also been playing around with the fit, including fitting background+gg as a single template.
Preparations for the LOI were discussed. The timescale is short, although uncertain and needs to be checked. The plan is:
  1. Roberval will re-visit the event selection, and a common one should be used for the two analyses
  2. Mark will continue his fit studies, and the fits from the two channels will be done independently and combined
  3. Joel will look at whether the Z-fusion eeH process is an issue.
  4. It is uncertain whether combing background+gg templates is the best thing to do, so it will need to be studied
We will have extra meetings in the run up to the LOI, starting next week (at 11:30)

1 comment:

RoBeRVaL said...

Hajrah will re-visit the event selection.