Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cuts used

The events used for the previous post were required to have the following:

Number of electrons >= 2
84 < di-electron mass < 105 GeV
100 < di-jet mass < 130 GeV
cos(theta) thrust axis< 0.9
115 < recoil mass < 160 GeV
Number of reconstructed particles >= 45

The 'number of reconstructed particles' cut I took quite high; my signal/sqrt(signal+background) was quite low and I wanted to improve it. Around 17 can be used without losing a single partonic higgs event, maybe I should have used that and then tried relying on the likelihood cut to get rid of everything else.

Anyway, I'll try Hajrah's cuts and see what I get.

The plots I posted this morning have also been changed to have titles, and the data is split down into the constituents for clarity.

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