Friday, March 13, 2009

Electron sample with 250fb-1

Fit results for 10x10 bins:
r_bb=0.95 +/- 0.056 (5.93%)
r_cc=1.3 +/- 0.55 (41.82%)
r_gg=1.2 +/- 0.52 (44.51%)

Errors from the toy study using chi2 ignoring less than 7:
r_bb 0.057 +/- 1.7*10-3
r_cc 0.49 +/- 6.4*10-2
r_gg 0.52 +/- 4.9*10-2
The error on the error is taken from the sigma of a gaussian fit on a plot of the errors, with the error taken from the mean (if you see what a mean - no pun intended).

Errors from the toy study of a toy set to its source using the likelihood function:
r_bb 0.038 +/- 5.8*10-4
r_cc 0.36 +/- 1.4*10-2
r_gg 0.38 +/- 6.9*10-3

The numbers mostly match Roberval's well, although the likelihood r_cc and r_gg are a little lower here.

Plots, same as yesterday:

The chi2 is off slightly. I wasn't going to look into it too much unless anyone thinks it's a cause for concern?

Also, the fit results:

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