In our case all other decays are the background.
We separated all flavors (separation of Muons is done at first place) and make plots of BTag, CTag and BCTag, three plots at the bottom (Red for bb events, Blue for cc events and Black for light quark events).
Using the method in Kuhl-Desch paper, we split our 20,oo0 events into Data and Sample events in 1:1.
As an exercise, we tried to find the parameters for bb/gg and cc events by setting value of parameter for gg/bb and background equals to one. The likelihood function is then plotted as shown below.(Two plots on top, first one is for cc vs gg and second one is gg vs cc)
In order to get the fitted value of the parameters, we will minimize the likelihood function. And then using the fitted value of the parameters we will find the branching ratios.

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