Thursday, November 27, 2008

Flavour Tagging results (so far)

I've created a new sample for LDCPrime_02Sc_p02 from the generator files at the ILC database (50,000 ZH->eeXX and about 62,000 ZZ->eeqq). I was looking at the flavour tag results using the LDCPrime_02Sc nets (note not "_p02") Roberval sent me, as well as his tuned JProb parameters and RPCutProcessor parameters. I didn't get very good results for that:

New parameters and new nets

To see if it was something to do with the new samples I then tried the old tagging:

Old parameters and old (SGV trained) nets

That was much improved, so to see if it was the new nets or parameters that were causing the problem, I tried redoing the new tag with the old nets (because it was the easiest thing to do):

New parameters and old nets

That was much better than both (although slightly smaller peak for the b sample). It looked like the b tag was okay using the new nets, so I wondered if it was any good using the new b-tag nets and the old c-tag nets, to see if it was actually just the c-tag that's a bit off:

New parameters and new b nets, old c nets

Although much better than everything done with the new nets, the b tag is still not as good as with the old nets.

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